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Home Page Green Onion

Green Onion


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The green onion is an aromatic herbaceous plant that is specifically cultivated for the unique flavour and smell of its fragrant, green, slightly flat and hollow stems and its small white smooth crunchier bulb. The whole plant has a mild and subtle taste, with an herby flavour reminiscent of springtime that can only be fully appreciated when raw. This onion head is harvested before full maturity to ensure it has a mini bulb. Green onions are the first vegetable to be harvested, at the end of June in Quebec.

The whole onion can be eaten, including its leaves, raw or quickly cooked in order to keep its delicate flavour and texture.

Even when eaten in small doses like an aromatic, a green onion provides a plentiful supply of vitamins C and K and beta-carotene, it contains phytochemical and sulphur compounds that are essential for neutralising free radicals and the spread of certain cancerous cells.

Organzo: a strategic and authentic partnership between truck farmers and our agronomic services department, from seed to harvest.

We constantly suggest new varieties to improve product qualityand options for seeds that are less prone to ravagers, diseases and physiological disorders.

We walk through the producers’ fields every week looking at and inspecting the slightest defaults in plants, in order to delay any outbreak of ravagers and/or diseases by applying good agricultural practices, and when needed, by rationally using registered pesticides.

Selection and preservation

A good quality green onion has a white base of at least 1-3 inches in length. The colour is bright and the onions are firm and clean, with no roots, rotting or bruises. The crunchy bright green leaves should not be broken or crushed and the tips should not be dry.

In the fridge: green onions keep in a plastic bag for up to a week. If they are a bit soft, revitalise them in a glass of water (roots down). Remember to remove the tie that is holding the onions in a bunch to ensure they don’t rot.

Bear in mind: the aromas produced by green onions can be absorbed by other products in your fridge such as apples, grapes or mushrooms (choose your container well).

In the freezer: as with other herbs, green onions can be frozen: thinly slice, dry and put them in a bag for freezing: they can keep this way for at least three months.

Cooking instructions

In Asia, the green onion is used in many forms: whole, with its bulb, in segments, strips, slices, in soups, noodle dishes and stirfries. Also, as with garlic and ginger, green onions are an essential in Asian cooking.

Wash the green onion and then cut the base just above the roots.

We can eat green onions raw, in salads, dips, vinaigrettes, salsa…, to garnish your sandwiches, in cooked dishes and omelettes, to season your soups, broth, and gaspacho, stews, sauteed with other vegetables or as an herb.

Green onions are delicious raw but in dishes that cook for a long time, they lose their taste.